Design partner. Product & Brand.
Designed an all-in-one CRM tailored for business of one, securing a $10M seed round led by Andrew Chen from a16z.
Founding designer. 2020
Product strategy. Product design.
User research. Branding.
Early 2021, the service-based entrepreneurship market felt massive and underserved. Our customers use a patchwork of tools to operate their businesses, often utilizing only a fraction of the extensive features these platforms provide.  Practice’s strength lies in its simplicity and deliberate feature limitations, coupled with the ability to interconnect these features.

With over 1,000 customers on our waitlist, and a remarkable 72% of all onboarded customers remaining active, we anticipated an early product-market fit and had the chance to secure a seed round of $10M led by Andrew Chen from a16z.
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A preview of Practice interface: Services tabA preview of Practice interface: Services tabA preview of Practice interface: Client recordA preview of Practice interface: Mobile app
A preview of Practice interface: Home tabA preview of Practice interface: Package creation
"Arnaud is incredibly valuable to a founder and early team. He commits for the long haul, turning a vision into a cohesive first product you can be proud of. His ability to both see the business case and the user persona is very valuable to a small team trying to prove something out. You can trust him to act independently and make the right decisions even if there is only limited information."
Julien Smith
CEO & co-founder at Practice
A preview of Practice interface: Shared workspaceA preview of Practice interface: Mobile client experienceA preview of Practice interface: Public profile pageA preview of Practice interface: Homepage 2023A preview of Practice interface: Public landing pages